2nd Edition of Recycling Survey Launched by European Plastics Converters (EuPC)

Based on the findings and backed up by the success of the first survey, EuPC decided to conduct a second edition of the survey in cooperation with Polymer Comply Europe Sarl. (PCE). The survey has been launched on the 22nd January and will be open until May 2018 on the PCE website www.polymercomplyeurope.eu. The survey is accessible in seven languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish and Turkish.

A little more than two months have passed, since the results of the first edition of EuPC’s survey on the use of recycled plastics materials (rPM) by plastics converters in Europe were published in October 2017. The replies from close to 500 respondents from 28 different countries showed that the quality of recyclates is the main reason that prevents converting companies from using more rPM. The EU Plastics Strategy makes it imperative to gain more knowledge about the use of rPM in the European plastics converting industry to support the transition towards a more circular economy.

“It is essential for the whole European plastics industry to get more knowledge about the potential use of recycled plastics materials (rPM) by plastics converters, as they form by far the biggest part of the EU plastics value chain. The 2nd edition of our European rPM survey will enable us to further identify and specify the quality and supply issues we are facing, help us to find appropriate solutions for the future, and demonstrate our commitment to a more sustainable plastics economy.

(Alexandre Dangis, EuPC Managing Director)

The survey is open to all European companies active in the plastics converting industry and the results will be presented during the 2018 EuPC Annual Meeting “ A circular Future with Plastics” on the 24th and 25th May in Milan (Italy) with the presence of the EU Commissioner E. Bienkowska and leading CEOs of the plastics industry. The full report on the results of the first edition of the rPM survey is still available free of charge on the PCE website.

For more information contact Felix Miessen at felix.miessen@eupc.org.

EuPCPress Release - 2018rPM Survey 2nd edition v.2.pdf

PDF - 360 Kb


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EuPC is the EU-level Trade Association, based in Brussels, representing European Plastics Converters. Plastics converters (sometimes called "Processors") are the heart of the plastics industry. They manufacture plastics semi-finished and finished products for an extremely wide range of industrial and consumer markets - the automotive electrical and electronicpackaging, construction and healthcare industries, to name but a few.


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