A Circular Future with Plastics 2022 - Final programme available

European Plastics Converters (EuPC) is pleased to announce the 2022 edition of A Circular Future with Plastics, organised in cooperation with Agoria and Essenscia - PolyMatters. The two-day conference will take place on 19 & 20 May 2022 at the Renaissance Brussels Hotel and will include a networking Gala Dinner on 19 May at the venue Concert Noble.
Day I. - 19 May 2022, Renaissance Brussels Hotel
- 09.00 - 09.30 Welcome Coffee & Registration
- 09.30 - 12.30 Market Division Sessions:
Automotive & Transportation
Building & Construction
Packaging Session - 12.30 - 13.30 Networking Lunch
- 13.30 - 16.00 Market Division Sessions:
Building & Construction
Packaging Session
Waste Free Ocean - 19.00 Gala Dinner at Concert Noble
Day II. - 20 May 2022, Renaissance Brussels Hotel
- 08.30 - 09.30 EuPC General Assembly (Members Only)
- 09.30 - 10.00 Welcome Coffee & Registration
- 10.00 - 13.00 Main Conference
Keynote Speaker: Soren Gade, European Parliament
Keynote Speaker: Joaquim Nunes de Almeida, Director General of DG GROW of the European Commission
Keynote Speaker: Plastics Europe President
TotalEnergies Polymers Sustainability Agenda by Valérie Goff, TotalEnergies
The Borealis integrated circular cascade approach by Christopher McArdle, Borealis
Versalis, Speaker TBC - Round table discussion – Debate moderated by Melinda Crane
EuPC President;
Plastics Europe President;
Gracy Ramont, Segers & Balcaen;
Christopher McArdle, Borealis;
Jean Viallefont, TotalEnergies;
Gerald Rebitzer, Amcor;
Claude Clement, Plastic Omnium - 13.00 - 14.00 Networking Lunch & Goodbye
Detailed agenda and more information is available here

Meet the Speakers
Click on the picture and get to know the all conference speakers and chairs from around Europe.

Venue and Location:
Conference venue: Renaissance Brussels Hotel (Rue du Parnasse 19, 1050. Brussels, Belgium)
Gala Dinner venue: Concert Noble (Rue d'Arlon 82, 1000. Brussels, Belgium)
Who should attend:
- Representatives from the plastics value chain
- Regulatory affairs managers
- Government regulators
- Consultants
- Trade associations
- Service providers
- NGOs
- Academics