Food Contact Plastics Seminar: Presentations

Dear participants,

A very warm thank you for participating to the Food Contact Plastics Seminar in Brussels last week. We hope the workshop brought you valuable information and you were able to gain insight into industry trends.

As promised, we would like to share the speakers' presentations with you. You can download them below. 

Thank you once again for your participation and we hope to see you again next year. 

Kind regards,

The EuPC Team

Introduction into Product Safety Compliance of FCMs - Geoffroy Tillieux

PDF - 269 Kb

Implications of the European Strategy for Plastics - Silvia Freni Sterrantino

PDF - 932 Kb

Microplastics: Regulatory Context and ECHA Approach - Patrick De Kort

PDF - 635 Kb

Recycled Plastics for Food Contact Applications - Enrique Moliner

PDF - 1.4 Mb

MIGRATOX Project and Addressing NIAS - Christian Kirchnawy

PDF - 2.5 Mb

Food and Drink Manufacturers - Angeliki Vlachou

PDF - 683 Kb

Perspective of a Rigid Packaging Producer on Product Safety - Veerle Van Brempt

PDF - 2.5 Mb

Strategy for a Common Approach to Risk Assessment - Dario Dainelli

PDF - 747 Kb

EU Legislation on FCM - DG SANTE

PDF - 976 Kb

JRC/EuPC Joint Project on NIAS Identification - Eddo Hoekstra

PDF - 995 Kb

Mineral Oils in Plastic FCMs: MOSH and MOAH - Juan Carlos Carillo

PDF - 2.7 Mb

Printed Food Contact Material Measure and the Approach of EuPIA - Mike Simoni

PDF - 712 Kb

Legislative Suggestion for Food Contact Materials - Plastics Europe

PDF - 1.7 Mb


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EuPC is the EU-level Trade Association, based in Brussels, representing European Plastics Converters. Plastics converters (sometimes called "Processors") are the heart of the plastics industry. They manufacture plastics semi-finished and finished products for an extremely wide range of industrial and consumer markets - the automotive electrical and electronicpackaging, construction and healthcare industries, to name but a few.


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