Press Release: EuPC’s Building & Construction Division Works towards a Better Understanding of Plastics Solutions

The Building & Construction Market Division of the European Plastics Converters (EuPC) has recently launched a new website. The website,, was developed in collaboration with PlasticsEurope in order to showcase the benefits of plastics products and solutions in the building and construction sector as well as the possibilities it can offer to society.

The website offers clear and concise information on various plastic applications used in building and construction, ranging from floor and roof coverings to window profiles and pipes. Frédéric Midy, Chairman of EuPC’s Building and Construction Division, states: “By allowing easy access to clear information, we feel the value of plastic applications will be better understood and appreciated.”

Since 2014, in order to achieve its mission in “making plastics the material of choice in building and construction”, EuPC’s Building & Construction Division has been focusing on proactive communication, the building of a knowledge centre and on further developing partnerships with its network of authorities, associations and customers.

Within the knowledge centre, the following topics were identified as priorities for the building and construction sector: sustainability; barriers to recycling; CE marking and declaration of performance; fire; hygiene, health and environment, dangerous substances and communication. Working groups were formed for each specific topic in order to monitor the developments and to carry out their missions effectively. Members of these working groups are comprised of EuPC members and sector associations.

Since 2014, the working groups initiated and participated in a number of meetings with officials on national and European levels to advocate for plastics products in construction. The division closely follows the works of CEN/TC 351 in the development of horizontal standardised assessment methods for harmonised approaches relating to the release of regulated dangerous substances under the Construction Products Regulation (CPR). The Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) pilot project initiated by European Commission to find a harmonised method for life cycle analyses is another topic monitored by the division. Furthermore, a guidance document regarding the behaviour of specific construction products when under fire is being developed.

Most recently, the Building & Construction Division organized a successful event around the EU Sustainable Energy Week. The event focused specifically on how the building and construction sector contributes to the European Commission’s agenda of growth, jobs, investment and energy efficiency.  Such activities help demonstrate the value of plastic applications in building and construction as well as the benefit of the sector to society.

EuPC B&C Works towards a Better Understanding Solutions

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EuPC is the EU-level Trade Association, based in Brussels, representing European Plastics Converters. Plastics converters (sometimes called "Processors") are the heart of the plastics industry. They manufacture plastics semi-finished and finished products for an extremely wide range of industrial and consumer markets - the automotive electrical and electronicpackaging, construction and healthcare industries, to name but a few.


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