PRESS RELEASE - Placard, bio-based plasticizer: Tests show good results
Good results were reported during a meeting of the Placard project held at EuPC premises on 8 and 9 July. The project is aiming at producing a new bio-based plasticizer for soft PVC with a focus on applications in construction. It is produced by chemical modification of cardanol, an industrial grade yellow oil obtained by vacuum distillation of cashew nut shell liquid. By using a by-product such as cashew nut shells, the Placard plasticizer does not create pressure on food resources.
Production of the Placard plasticizer on a pilot scale was carried out at Serichim premises whilst tests were conducted by Università di Salento that compared properties from different high/low molecular weight phthalates and non-phthalates plasticizers. Placard results showed better plasticizing efficiency than DEHP and DOTP enabling raw material saving. Processability and an energy cost reduction were other parameters that demonstrated better performance compared to selected commercial plasticisers. Remaining tested parameters were comparable with other selected plasticisers and showed good stability of properties over time.
Additional results, such as ability to facilitate recycling, will be further investigated and quantified. They will be presented in internal meetings and at targeted conferences by EuPC that is in charge of the dissemination activities as well as by Kommi, the project leader.
About Placard
The Placard project is financed by Eco-innovation initiative is expected to last 32 months. The Eco-innovation initiative is part of the EU's Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP), set up to support innovation among SMEs and to improve their competitiveness
For more information please visit the placard website.